Thursday, June 24, 2010

Pic of the Week

Quick! Hide the elderly!

Friday, June 18, 2010

A Harry Potter Post

Okay, in honor of the awesome theme park in Orlando that opened today, The Wizarding World of Harry Potter, I'm doing a Harry Potter Post! (Most Potter fans should be able to follow me through this post, others might want to read the Muggle's Guide to Harry Potter. If you have no idea what a Muggle is, than you really should read it. Seriously.)

Okay we'll start with the Pic of the Week!

I find myself to be lacking the comedic strength to put even a bad pun on this pic. The best I could do was "Oh No! Baby Voldemort!". Yup.

The Wizarding World of Harry Potter!!! (Ohhhh...)

Being a Super Potter Fan myself, I can't wait to head on over to the park. I mean, they have a replica of Hogwarts, the Hogsmede village (with some shops also from Diagon Alley) and 3 rides. Since I haven't been, you might want to read some posts on MuggleNet, a Harry Potter fansite.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Pic of the Week

I dunno why, I hear they have a fabulous pest control center!


Okay, so you all know about my hamster Rosie (If I haven't metioned her before, my bad!) Well, recently I took a trip to Florida for three days and left her at home with tons of food and water. I have also bought her a new cage, with a new water bottle. I checked on her water today, and noticed that she had as much water in there as she had when I left her! The bottle is positioned strangly, making it rather difficult for her to drink. I thought she would figure it out, but obviously, she hadn't! I had noticed her being rather sluggish and tired for a few days, but I had no idea it was dehydration!

So, realizing her life was in danger, I pulled out the bottle and held it where she could drink. She practically ripped it out my hands chugging it. After 10 minutes, I filled a cup with water and left it in her cage, and she drank that nonstop! This happened about 5 minutes ago, and now she is back to herself, huddling in a little room at the top of her cage.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


I just felt the urge to look it up.

A fear of long words.



Pic of the Week

Sorry I've been forgetting!

Who could have guessed?