I decided to clean up a bit. If you are looking for the old Butterfly's Garden, all those posts are avalible at http://www.butterflyarchives.blogspot.com/.
A Bit About Me
My name is Annie. I'm a fifth grader in Alabama (Although Florida is my state. Go Gators!) and I blog on the internet (Which you must know, because you are reading this right now.) I started blogging when I was either 7 or 8 years old, with this very blog. I got into blogging when I told my dad (who also is a blogger, at Florida Sun Dog) that I wanted a website. He showed me how to, then I started blogging (and now everyone in my family blogs or has a website. Just look in the sidebar. Look. See it?). I believe this blog is now 3 or 4 years old, but all those post are in the Butterfly Archives (link above).
I've really taken to computers & the internet. I film & edit digital video often (To Youtube, duh da da duh!), design animations in GIMP (It annoys me that an animation you spend 2 hours on only lasts 30 seconds) , create graphic art (I'm better than some adults) , and even program my own websites using HTML & CSS (for people who don't know what those are, look at HTML Code Tutorial) I have helped my freinds with creating websites like Pie Lad for my bud Allie's comic, my little sister's site Emily's Palace (which I programmed from HTML) and a Harry Potter site my friend Linzi & I made called The Voldemort Butt Kickers. (Funny name, I know)
Stuff I do That Doesn't Involve the Internet
- I make mini movies! Okay, so that does involve the internet a tiny bit. But I made a stop motion/live action/animated mini movie called Evil Barbie!
- I do ballet & jazz dancing!
- I SSSIIIINNNNGGG! (*glass breaking*)
- I love riding bikes, rollerskating, ice skating (even though I only did it once), riding a caster board, jumping on a trampoline, and running in snow.
- I watch Fred.
- And for some reason, I make fun of the name Bob. (No offense to anyone named Bob who is reading this)
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