Sunday, February 21, 2010

Brain Test: Left or Right

Brain Test!

This is probably the easiest test you've ever done; no paper or pencil, not really any thinking, and only a basic knowledge of reading (which I assume you have!) and knowing the difference between clockwise & counter-clockwise!

Below is a spinning dancer. If you see her turning clockwise, you use the right side of your brain more. (creativity, big picture thinking, etc.)

If you see her turn counter-clockwise, you use the left side of your brain more. (logical, smartish, you know!)

 (Update! Blogger isn't lettin' the pic move, but you can see it if you click here!)

Some people can see her switching directions, sometimes moving clockwise, sometimes counter-clockwise .(at least I see it like that!) That means you use both you right & left side of your brain often. in other words YOU ARE AWESOME(Like Me!!!)

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