Tuesday, June 8, 2010


Okay, so you all know about my hamster Rosie (If I haven't metioned her before, my bad!) Well, recently I took a trip to Florida for three days and left her at home with tons of food and water. I have also bought her a new cage, with a new water bottle. I checked on her water today, and noticed that she had as much water in there as she had when I left her! The bottle is positioned strangly, making it rather difficult for her to drink. I thought she would figure it out, but obviously, she hadn't! I had noticed her being rather sluggish and tired for a few days, but I had no idea it was dehydration!

So, realizing her life was in danger, I pulled out the bottle and held it where she could drink. She practically ripped it out my hands chugging it. After 10 minutes, I filled a cup with water and left it in her cage, and she drank that nonstop! This happened about 5 minutes ago, and now she is back to herself, huddling in a little room at the top of her cage.

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